Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to restore Apple Front Row Trailers

English version below

Comme vous avez pu le constater, Front Row Trailers ne fonctionne plus. Étant donné que Front Row est absent de Lion, je ne mettrai plus à jour Front Row Trailers.

Voici donc la méthode pour remettre les bandes-annonces originales d'Apple:

  1. Téléchargez et décompressez Restore Apple Trailers
  2. Double-cliquez sur le fichier Restore Apple Trailers.command
  3. Entrez votre mot de passe

As you probably have noticed, Front Row Trailers is not working anymore. Since Front Row is missing in Lion, I have no plan to update Front Row Trailers.

So here is how to restore factory Apple trailers:

  1. Download and decompress Restore Apple Trailers
  2. Double-click on Restore Apple Trailers.command
  3. Enter your password

Monday, February 14, 2011

Using Ingredients as Xcode documentation browser

Xcode 3.2.3 documentation browser was quite broken: ⌘ + ⌥ + double click on a method or function would open the documentation browser but would not scroll to the method you just asked documentation for. So I started to write an Xcode plugin to open Ingredients instead. Then Xcode 3.2.5 was released (I skipped version 3.2.4) and this annoying bug was fixed, so I did not bother to publish my plugin. But recently, I read on twitter that [RED4CTED] documentation browser was even more broken, so I decided it was time to release my Xcode-Ingredients plugin.

Note that the plugin is written for Xcode 3, so things have probably changed in [RED4CTED] (which I have not yet tried). If you are brave enough to use [RED4CTED], that you know a bit about Xcode plugins (@kodz, @rentzsch, @tjw?) and that you would like to use Ingredients for reading the documentation, please have a look and adapt the plugin for [RED4CTED]. In order to discover the searchForAPIString: method, I just set a breakpoint on makeKeyAndOrderFront: and looked at the backtrace, but I'm not sure if this technique is still applicable.

I will update this blog post as soon as someone can get the plugin to work with [RED4CTED].